Sunday, August 1, 2021


Jihadi bride injured in an allied air attack is given a new arm and a £500,000 council house: Relative reveals Samia Hussein's high-tech prosthetic limb was funded 'by the NHS, definitely' British jihadi bride injured in an allied air attack is given a new arm and a £500,000 Samia Hussein (top) was injured when coalition forces launched an attack on a weapons store next to her home in the Syrian city of Raqqa, which was under the control of Islamic State. The 27-year-old, who joined the terror group in 2015, was arrested when she arrived back in Britain in February 2020. The Metropolitan Police last night said she had not been charged with any offence but remained 'under investigation'. It is not known how the artificial arm was funded, but one of Hussein's relatives said: 'It's from the NHS, definitely.' (Pictured inset, her UK home, bottom, Hussein being interviewed, bottom, a picture of her before she joined ISIS.) AS DISCRIMINAÇÕES POSITIVAS E A JUSTIÇA PARA BOM SELVAGEM VIGORAM POR ESSA EUROPA FORA...E ELES CLARO CONTINUAM A ATRAVESSAR O MEDITERRÂNEO TODOS OS SANTOS DIAS...PARA NOS "ENRIQUECEREM"!

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